Monday, May 24, 2010

Some strange weird fun at the Lindahls
I am so glad he was not born like this....ha ha

Ashlee prepping

self abuse

Tanner actually was a little freaked out.....

Shalesey poo...Ashlee's friend
Such good sports!
This will forever be blackmail
Push Shalese! Like your having a baby!!!
Happy 75th Birthday Poopy!!!

My parents went out to dinner for my dads 75th birthday
and while he was gone, Jaxson and Jorden decorated the
house, it was so cute. They had so much fun doing it.

The birthday boy in his chair.....Nobody touches his chair
Krysta all messy but so happy!

I think he ate too much sugar

Jorden giving grandpa his birthday kiss
Kiss from his favorite daughters..and his only
Twinners! but not on purpose!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My little princess!

Running to mom!
Krysta helping Jorden and grandma weed

My little weed picker

Tanner....he never wears pants

The ride that got us there
Ashlee attempting fate
mother helping her daughter

Ashelee going down to see the water

We do everything together, even ride tire swings!
LOL me and my niece.

The Hearse girls
Me taking a nap...LOL
Spanking the swing!

I found my dream car! a '71 herse that has a 471 in it and gets around
7 miles to the gallon! MAN I want it! its only 5 grand!